More control and Peace of Mind
New features in your owner dashboard will help give you more control and peace of mind when your RV is booked. There are some things you can do to prepare. Learn more about how to get ready.
More Control
Owner rules
Gain peace of mind with new RV Rules which allow you to document your rules and have renters agree to them when they book. With RV Rules, you can add up to five rules that are important to you and ensure you are comfortable with who is renting your RV. Any rules you add must be agreed to by the renter ahead of booking when they check out.
What you can do now: Think of any rules you may want to include in your listing when renting your RV. You can add up to five rules. When the feature is added to your dashboard, if you already know what you want to add, you can quickly do so that any potential renters see those moving forward when looking for an RV.

Owner agreement
An owner agreement outlines what is expected of both the owner and renters and should help everyone feel more comfortable entering into a reservation. When you upload an agreement to your owner dashboard, renters must accept the terms of your agreement when they book.
What you can do now: Prepare your own rental agreement if this is a feature that interests you. It is totally optional. If you are not already part of the RVshare Owners Group on Facebook, we recommend you join to get advice from other owners as to what they include in their agreements (RVshare is unable to provide Legal advice so leveraging the RVshare owner community is the best way to go to get help).

More Peace of Mind
Preparation Time
If you are able to turn around an RV on the same day, you may not need this feature, but if extra time would be helpful to make sure your RV will be ready for the next renter, you can use Preparation Time. Preparation time will automatically block one or two days before and after your bookings to ensure you have time to get your RV cleaned and ready.
What you can do now: Look ahead at the bookings you have this summer or what your calendar looked like last year. There is no action needed now but be ready to update this setting when it’s available if it makes sense for you.

Pre-booking message
Get answers to your top questions from prospective renters when they book by adding a pre-booking message with any must-know information ahead of time. Pre-booking messages allow you to include a personal welcome message and ask any upfront questions you always have when renters book.
What you can do now: Think about the questions you ask all your renters and have them ready to add when the feature is available. Once added, these questions will appear in one of the steps when renters check out and pay for their rental, so you have the information you need on hand.

Same Day Turnaround
Same day turnaround allows one trip to end and then another to start on the same day. Be sure to plan your drop-off and pick-up times to allow for a turnaround to take place in a single day so you have time to clean and prep for the next renter.

Supporting Policies
As RVshare adds features that allows you to add custom rules and agreements, several policies have been updated.