Ratings and reviews are a critical part of what internet shoppers look at when deciding on a purchase, especially more expensive ones like an RV trip. Renters searching for an RV want to know that if they pick yours, they’re going to have a great experience. One of the best ways they can build trust in your RV for their trip is by reading what other people have said. 

Creating a great renter experience can also drive repeat business. Trusted renters who return to book your RV are good for your business and peace of mind, win-win! 

So how do you get 5 star reviews and excellent feedback from renters? Here are four tips for driving 5 star reviews: 

Tip 1: Strong communication from start to finish 

Listing Description – There are a few specific areas that are important when it comes to clear communication. At the very start of a renter’s journey, they will be viewing lots of RV listings and reading the details of each. Making sure you have a detailed description up front will not only reduce renter questions, but also set expectations  on the layout of your RV, what it comes with, etc. For more tips on what makes for a great listing, check this out

Quick responses – Regardless of how thorough you are in your listing, it’s likely you’ll still get questions from renters and that’s a good thing. You may have questions for them too that you want to understand, like more details about their trip. The main thing to keep in mind when renters ask questions is that they will expect an answer right away. Please make sure you’re always responding as soon as possible (within an hour). Your Performance Metrics will thank you. 

Expectation setting – Once the trip is booked, you’ll want to let the renter know how to best get in touch with you, as well as details on how the process will go. For many renters, it might be their first time renting an RV, so over communicating can’t hurt. It’s important to understand their level of experience too, so you’re able to provide the best tips and guidance along the way. 

Helpful tips – As part of your RV rental business, it might make sense to set up a Renter Handbook or a leave-behind guide that stays in the RV for any questions that may come up while the RV is out. Here is a template for a handbook and a checklist in case you need some ideas. 

Checking in – During the trip, it’s worth checking in once to make sure everything is going smoothly. Renters may have questions about where something is or how to use something and it’s great if you’re able to guide them over the phone. This can also reduce issues on the trip or damages which can lead to a not-so-great experience. 

Feedback – Once the trip is over, make sure to do the walk through with the renter and talk to them about their experience. You will continue to build a great relationship with the renters, as well as gather feedback that could be useful for your next rental. 

Tip 2: Just ask! 

There’s nothing wrong with a shameless plug. When your renters return, ask for feedback about their trip, and if they had an awesome time just ask them to submit a review and write about how much they enjoyed it. Most people will be delighted to share their experience through a review. While you’re at it, ask them to give you 5 stars if they loved it. You can explain to the renters why reviews matter and how it impacts your business. Continuing to drive 5 star reviews will be important to your rental business. 

You can send your renters a reminder to leave you a review by adding their reservation number to this link: https://rvshare.com/dashboard/reviews/new/

Example: https://rvshare.com/dashboard/reviews/new/[INSERT RESERVATION #]

In case something goes wrong on a trip, here are some tips on how to respond to negative reviews. 

Tip 3: Make sure your RV is dependable 

This may seem obvious but it is the number one reason renters have a bad time on a trip– something went wrong and interrupted their vacation. Make sure you do a thorough maintenance evaluation before each trip and double check that everything is in excellent working condition. If something is broken or not functioning properly, disclose that to the renter up front. There’s nothing worse than surprises. 

If your RV is constantly breaking down or has ongoing issues, it’s not likely that you’re going to get glowing reviews. This can impact your business because your RV may start showing up on search results lower and lower, making it harder for renters to find. Here’s more information on how reviews can impact your position in search results. 

Being upfront about any known issues and keeping up with maintenance on the RV will help ensure you’re not at risk for a low star review. 

Tip 4: Go above and beyond the essentials. 

Surprise and delight your renters by going the extra mile and stocking the necessities and ensuring your RV is clean. Think about your RV like a mobile hotel, renters have the expectation that they will have most everything they need unless you’ve otherwise noted. The vacation should be seamless and relaxing and although they are still “camping,” they’ve upgraded from tents to your RV and won’t anticipate needing to bring things like sheets, towels, basic toiletries, forks, etc. 

Another thing you can do that will make renters happy is offer a welcome basket or some cold waters in the fridge. Something so simple can go a long way in pleasing the renters and setting them up with a positive mindset for their vacation. 

If you follow these tips on driving 5-star reviews to your RV listing, you will not only earn more money with your business but also provide an excellent experience for someone’s vacation!