You don’t have to be a marketing professional to help drive bookings to your RV listing. Learn how offline marketing efforts, social media, great photos and word of mouth can help drive more bookings to your listing.
Creating a Decal/Bumper Sticker
As your RV is on the road and in campgrounds, thousands of eyes see it. What better way to advertise your rental than directly on the RV? Creating a QR code bumper sticker, window decal, or car magnet is a great way to take advantage of those eyes. Here you will find the step-by-step instructions on creating a decal/bumper sticker and the files for each size in the ordering options.

Taking Advantage of Social Media
Social media is another great way to market your RV. You can share your listing on social media platforms to reach your community. Who knows, maybe your high school friend or co-worker has been dreaming of an RV trip? There are also groups and communities on social platforms dedicated to budget and family-friendly vacations.
Facebook is a great resource for marketing your RV. In less than a half hour you can create a business page for your RV and invite your friends to like it. Once your page is set up, you can post fun photos/videos from previous renters, stories and updates about your RV, and special deals and offers. You can also add a “Book Now” button on your page that directs renters to your RVshare listing.
Instagram is another great resource for marketing your RV and expanding your reach. An Instagram account is easy to set up and even easier if you already have a Facebook page for your RV. Remember to keep the same name across all of your social media accounts and put the link to your RV listing on RVshare in your bio.
You should post high-quality photos, stories, and reels of all the great places your RV has been. You can also post pictures of the interior and exterior amenities that make your RV special. Remember to have fun with this!
The Importance of Great Photos
Photos are the first thing renters see when they come across your listing, so it’s important to have high-quality photos so the renter can imagine themselves in your RV. Think about staging the RV with throw pillows and decorations to give a renter a unique experience. These photos can also be shared on other social media pages to gain interest in your RV.
Word of Mouth
Word of mouth is one of the most important forms of marketing because renters trust other renters’ feedback. Make sure you remind previous renters to leave reviews on your listing and let their friends know about their experience. It’s also a good idea to remind renters to refer any friends they know who might be interested in renting an RV.